> Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 09:56:07 EST
> Subject: Troubleshooting my FG [v04.n142/2]
> Message: 2
> Hello my fellow Nikon-ers,
I am having some trouble with my Nikon FG and was hoping someone
> here could help me identify it.  The problem has been present for a few years
> but recently has started to happen more often.  I got so tired of having
> (relatively speaking) good photos ruined that I finally saved up my quarters,
> went out and bought a N50.  Nice camera for my level & needs.  Sure, I had a
> good excuse to upgrade but I still like my FG.
> Let me try to describe the problem.  Typically on a 4X6 photo I randomly get
> two orange colored bands running vertically through the photo.  The first
> band, starting about three quarters of an inch from the left side of the
> photo, is pretty wide (about an inch and a half) and fades out on either side.
> The second band, which is always to the right of the wide band, about an inch
> and a quarter away, is thinner (about an eighth of an inch thick) and fades to
> the left side but has an abrupt ending on it's right side.  Did I lose you
> yet?  If so I've posted some sample photos on my home page if you'd like to
> see them, they're at:
> http://members.aol.com/jnboom/badfgpix.htm

Just eyeballing your photos, it looks like you have a light
leak in the back of your camera that's oriented vertically.
Do you normally store your camera in a camera case or bag?
When you bring it out, do you normally bring it out in
subdued lighting?  The extra white band suggests you may
have left it outdoors for quite a while, compared to the
situations you normally find yourself.  And, the orange
bands are when there is less light exposure....

I'd say the width and severity of the bands changes as you
progress further into the roll.

Take a look at the camera back and light seals and see if
this is not so.  It could also be the shutter, but I think
the camera back is more suspect.

Ron H
Just an uneducated observation

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