On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 06:30:43 +1300, you wrote:
>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 07:22:12 -0600 (CST)
>From: hank goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Questions about Nikon Battery Pack SD-8 [v04.n140/2]

>  1. How satisfied with it are "frequent" users?
Very - this from the point of view that you do not require to use a
battery pack on a daily basis then probably a Quantum Tubro would be
more appropriate from a cost point of view.
I use this for weddings and for use with flash tele extenders.

>  2. What type of batteries do you prefer to use in it?
AA lirhiums - 2 reasons  : speed of recycling that stays very high
into say the 12 to 15 roll range ( used with asa 200 film indoors) and
cost savings - a set of 6 pcs would power approx 50 to 60 rolls before

>  3. What are its dimensions?
Small but not small enough - I'd have to measure this -get back to
you. It will fit into to a shirt pocket or a photo vest pocket. It
could with additional screw be screwed uunder the body of the camera (
into the tripod mounting).

>P.S. I would be using it with a Nikon SB-28 flash.
It should work unless yours is the European unit. it fits my SB24 and

>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 22:07:14 +0200
>From: "Jackie Slutzkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: lens mount warp [v04.n140/9]
>Does any one have experience with carrying an F90x (N90s) with the 80-200
>f2.8 attached? What is the risk of warping the lens mount?
Well I think that there was some fear that this  occure but I suspect
that unless you are abusing the equipement; ie shoot and drop with the
resulting jerk ; this should not happen. Sensible handling like
picking up with 2 hands, or at least with one hand on the len's
balance point ( the tripod mount leg area) and not from the body
should prevent this from happening.  

Yes I did come across some posting from a camera repair person that
mention that the mounts had been pull out of alinement. But I suspect
that if true abuse had a lot to do with it.


>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 23:46:15 -0500
>From: The Benoits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Stuck filter [v04.n140/16]
>Dropped my camera bag. Looked inside to discover that I'd forgotten to put
>the lens cap on one of my zooms. My L37C filter is dented (about half an
>inch long) and won't come off. Any suggestions? Is there a kit for this
>kind of...eventuality?

Yes there is a kinda of f clamp thingy that you can see advertised in
Shutterbug. It may however be easier to drop by a repair shop and have
then take it out. But for the filter to be stuck on the lens becasue
of the dent should mean that your lens barrel is dented. If it the
external or outter filter threads that's dented and the filter is
stuck -= try the rubber sheet grip method to remove stuck filters.

>Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 14:41:18 -0000
>From: "Ian Pollen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Reviews of Sigma 28-105 f2.8-4? [v04.n140/27]
>>Has anyone had any experience with this lens (Sigma 28-105 f2.8-4)?  Please
>>let me know, as I am considering purchasing one.
>>I was going to get the Nikon 35-105 but I was told it's a real dog of a
>I have not used the Sigma 28-105mm but I do own the AF Nikkor 35-105mm
>f/3.5-4.5D IF, this lens has always returned very good results. Amateur
>Photographer's lens test made special comment on this lens' excellent
>contrast and sharpness.

I had check up on this lens and would like to mentioned that the
latter model of this is the one to get - the earlier ( non D version
- I think has some defects). It was rated ( the second generatiion AF
model) by Moose Peterson as " legendery". My own experinece with this
lens tends to support this. I think it handles better than the  24-120
but this is wider at the short end.

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