Hello there!
     I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question. Just recently my
boss asked me to take some pictures of my fellow workmates and gladly they
turned out really well. It was my first official job and I am mighty proud
of how the photos came out. Nevertheless I did notice one thing. I took
about 2 rolls in total and towards the end of the 2nd roll the batteries
were almost drained and my flash was having a hard time getting "ready"
again. I was using alkaline Duracell's. It seems to me they lasted only
those 2 rolls. My question is this: I sense it is useless to buy batteries
every 2 rolls (and a lot of money). I have an N90 with an MF-26 and my
flash is an SB-25. What are the best batteries I could buy, and what is a
ballpark figure of what I would need to spend? Maybe it would be better to
buy an external powere pack? How much does an external power pack usually
go for? Would it be worth it? Thanks for the advice, and I look forward to
your responses.

Sergio Villa
Costa Rica

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