Ivan wrote:
>According to the F100 literature I have, you can still set the aperture by
>using the lens aperture ring. However, F100 doesn't seem to have a ADR
>(Aperture Direct Readout Window) in the viewfinder, so it may be
>inconvenient to do so.

It all depends on which camera the F100 will emulate.  The F90x/N90s can
display the aperture in the viewfinder when you move the aperture ring on AF
lenses so we know the information is available through AF lens contacts.
This is  (IMO) a severe omission from the F5 as its aperture display is
blank when setting the aperture.  ADR (Aperture Direct Readout) should only
be necessary for MF lenses.

Personally there are many lenses where I prefer the MF version over the AF
lens.  I am definitely going to buy an F100.  I intend to keep using these
MF lenses even after I get the F100.  I will definitely miss ADR on the F100
but I am hoping that it emulates the F90x/N90s and not the F5 display when
using the aperture ring on AF lenses.


Art Searle, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lake Grove, NY, USA
20 miles east of Nikon USA     www.erols.com/w2nra

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