My Nikons are in danger of seizing up!
     The winter is well and truly here in the UK, and apart from the odd 
     bright frosty morning, when I'm hurrying to work and don't have time 
     to take photographs, I just don't get inspired.
     I like to shoot colour slides on sunny days near the sea.  I love 
     sunsets and sandwich them with other slides to make new pictures.  To 
     make things even worse I can't get to the camera club meetings because 
     I'm too busy at work on Thursday evenings.
     So what should I shoot in the time I've got available, when the days 
     are short and cold?
     I wouldn't mind shooting some black and white.  I haven't done any for 
     So here's the question.
     What do you all shoot in the winter?
     Get me inspired, and be happy to know that you got a fellows Nikon 
     functioning again.
     Thanks in advance and best wishes.

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