Of course what you have said about advantages over this format as compared
to the web forum format are true to some extent, but I would argue that the
email served format is superior over any web page based format if only for
the simple reason that the postings arrive to each person by email, and so
don't require a visit to a web page to view them... I for one would
participate less frequently if I had to go to a page to view the postings...

I have been a party to similar discussions regarding format in other lists,
and all have noted a trend toward the list as opposed to away from it...
this is more convenient and more useful to most readers, and while it makes
it harder to get advertising money to support it, it is also for that reason
of the absence of the ads that it is more pleasing...

If there were a vote, mine would be to remain as an email list rather than
switch to a discussion group web page...

I would be less frequent a visitor to such a forum...

My two cents...

Best regards,

Paul Silver

Paul Silver Photography
& SilverLight Studios

Architecture, Interiors, Fashion, Musicians, Theatrical, Sports,
Industrial, Corporate.



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