>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 05:06:38 -0500
>From: "Shun Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: This list is looking for a new home [v04.n319/1]
>Message: 1

>Because the web has become a lot more popular since this Digest started,
>I wonder whether a web-based forum makes sense. For example, I really
>like the format of the discussion forums at photo.net. You can access
>the old articles very easily, and posting are available instantly. I think
>those are main advantages over our current e-mail distribution.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on all the technical benefits. So let's get 
personal, all of us here. Are we really ready for a change? I'll ask dumb 
questions... "If anyone feels that web based forum will (probably) kill you, 
please raise your hand". I am not intending to start a flame here. I just
to see if all of us are ready for this change. If a number of us (no matter
small) are not ready, fine. We shall try harder to remain the old e-mail
presence. There were times when only a handful of people have access to 
the web, graphically if not text. But I believe that most of us launch
or IE or whatever everyday without a single care. Not all of us are using
anymore, right? (I do, sometimes, anyway.)

Thank you all of you who brought this issue to the Digest after the initial 
announcement from Andrew. Now I wonder why so few people are interested 
in this very important issue. I mean, how many members do we have here. 
We helped one another a zillion times since the old days. Why can't we give 
Andrew a hand just one more time? Even ideas will do. Tell the others what 
you think and we will eventually come up with a solution.

I am willing to be the next maintainer if all of you will allow me to. But
I am 
afraid that I don't have the resource. Do any of you have a server? I am 
ready to get my hands dirty. We can talk the formats we want anytime. 
But we don't have a new home yet. :(

Anyway, I think that most of you hate me already because I may be too 
harsh here. Well, I apologize for that. I am not a native English speaker 
so things can sound strange very easily.

>For example, the Medium-Format Digest used to be a mailing list like us
>but now is a discussion forum at photo.net:
>(I hope the above URL can stay in one line. In case there is a problem, try
>  http://photo.net//bboard/index.tcl
>and select the 6th bullet item.

I have another example which is similar to the one above. 


It is a discussion about watches which are not our main interest. But its 
format made the contents easily accessible anyway. Hope that it doesn't 
look too messy for your taste.

By the way, Andrew, how long do you think you will be allowed to manage 
to keep the Digest up?

Best regards,

Ruckdee C.  [E20JLS]  http://i.am/renardnolt

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