Steven and all,
     I for one appreciate your comments and really hadn't planned to
leave the Nikon Digest but I also feel a need to see some of the gear
that I use mentioned more often since there's always something one can
learn about anything, no matter how familiar they may think they already
are with it.
     At present it almost feels like an intrusion to the Digest to
mention much about MF cameras........but maybe that's just a personal
thing.  I know when I read many of the postings now it reminds me of the
days when pocket calculators were first allowed in schools and all our
kids quit learing how to do math the old fashioned way.  Now we're
number 19 out of 21 nations in the math and science tests. (USA)  I was
one of those people brought up in the days when a decision had to be
made as to whether slide rule accuracy would be allowed on a test or
     I really like to help people if I have the ability but I also see
such a need for some basic understanding of photography in some of the
questions posted by people with very advanced equipment and it's hard to
figure out what to say so you end up keeping quiet.  Not using what most
people on the list are using makes it hard to participate the way I
would like to.  
     Regardless of which sophisticated metering method may be used there
is nothing that can be accomplished other than the proper selection of
the shutter speed and/or aperature.  Any of those settings can be
duplicated buy most any of the good cameras, both manual and automatic. 
Maybe not as quickly, but that only matters if you're in a hurry and I
usually am not.  
     I think part of the reason that I will involve myself in another
list is because the postings will probably be a little more 'basic' with
regard to equipment and photography.
     Maybe someday I'll be totally interested in the state of the art
equipment due to the eyes getting even worse and the arthritis becoming
more of a problem.  At present I simply like taking pictures and having
them turn out as planned.  If I had to take them as accuratly and as
fast as possible, as some pros do, I'm sure I would have a different
     Right now my favorite piece of automatic equipment is a dishwasher
that the wife doesn't have any trouble with.  
     And, you are right, anything can be discussed on this list, for the
most part, but, as I mentioned, it almost seems like an intrusion....and
maybe it should becuase we are anachronisms, to some degree.  Although
they still make the F3 and the FM2n for some reason.
     Right now my biggest problem is trying to remember to change my
batteries every year and a half or so and I like that too.    

> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:05:49 -0800 (PST)
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Somers)
> Subject: Re: So Long... ( New MF List -- NO! ) [v04.n320/8]
> Message: 8
>  I object!  :*)
>         And frankly, I don't understand.
>         For those of you who have agreed that you want your own MF list,
>         what are you going to discuss there that can't be discussed here?
>         (though I did notice that, "General Photography questions are OK"
>          in this newly created weblist).  Can't you just as easily talk
>         about your F2s, F3HPs, etc. here?  Is it just that non-MF is
>         part of the "noise" and so the S/N ratio is too low for you?
>         The selfish reason I'm pleading you keep the Family Unity is that 
>         I have both MF and AF gear!  As I'm sure ALOT of people on the 
>         Digest do.  I don't want to have to subscribe to two lists!
>         Remember, *because* we use Nikon we DON'T have to have separate
>         lists -- we all use the F-mount (unlike disparate Canon EOS
>         and FD lists, and the analog in Minolta)!  It seems so ironic 
>         that some of these recent Digests contain, on the one hand, posts 
>         praising the backwards compatibility of the F-mount, and then others 
>         where a faction of "MF-onlies" wants to break away :*)
>         So guess I'm asking Glenn, Paul, Brent, Mike, Bill, Harvey,
>         Mark, and Tamas to reconsider.  Maybe you intend to subscribe
>         to both lists, but I worry your expertise will be lost here.

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