> . "If anyone feels that web based forum will (probably) kill you, 
> please raise your hand"

Well, I do. I'd really like the mailing list to remain one. I am
currently registered on a Unix staton at work and mails keep coming in.
I rapidly consult them when I have time. I can search through all the
mails which are kept locally as text files (on nice thing with Netscape
on Unix: mails are in text files that can be searched with 'grep' and
'less' tools). As our web-access is monitored through a proxy, I try to
limit my web usage to professional puroose. And no, I don't have
Internet access at home.

Our company photo-club has a mailing list now hosted by onelist.com. We
are pretty happy of the service up to now. Digest distributions are
available as well. Could this be considered as an option for the Nikon
mailing list? I already suggested that to Andrew but he does not seem to
like the idea of using a commercial service provider. I admit the ideal
would have to find someone who's ready to take the list in charge


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