Personally, I think the web forum format is by far superior to
an e-mail distribution list or netnews. If you are already familiar
with's various discussion forums and still don't like that
format, fine. However, if you aren't familiar with it, why not spend
some time over a day or two to review it and see whether you like it
or not? (I don't mean spending two full days, but maybe 10 minutes
a day over 2, 3 days.) The URL for the general forum is:

And to view recent answers, use this URL:

I think the main problem with a web forum is that you must have
a browser to review the articles. If all you have is e-mail access or
you are charged per hour/minute for web access, it may be a problem.

Otherwise, you can literally get several answers within an hour after
you ask a question. The entire thread is clearly on display and you
can easily access threads from the past. Moreover, you can see
the thread subjects and only read the ones that you are interested in.
For example, if all you care about are older MF Nikons, you don't
need to go through those threads about AF-S lenses.

By the way, does have an e-mail option. You can receive
news articles in e-mail, but you get one e-mail for each article posted,
not in a digest format, unfortunately.

I am merely making suggestions here. Unfortunately, I don't have the
resource to host this mailing list. In whatever format, this mailing list
has been a great help and I sure would like to keep this tradition going.

-- Shun Cheung                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 (732) 615-5135
      Kenya Photo Safari --
          Antarctica --

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