--- James Grove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     It doesn`t really matter what speed it runs at.
> The combat computer on
> the Eurofighter and several other modern combat
> aircraft run on 386 SX`s. It
> doesn`t stop them from processing data quickly. I
> cannot see the distinct
> advantage of having a 32bit processor in a camera.
> Its all relative to what
> the data is, and in terms of AF and Exposure data,
> not a great deal. What
> the Canon rep told you was sales talk, and i am sure
> a Nikon rep would do
> the same.

Hi James.  

To clarify things, the CPU thing came from the Nikon F5
brochure and the absence of the CPU info in the F100
brochure.  The EOS 3 CPU info came from Petersen's

Why did Nikon inclde this info in the F5 brochure and
not in the F100 brochure?  Though this may seem trivial
, I think Nikon users would like to know how Nikon has
improved the quality of their products.  

Another thing, I would like to face a Canon rep and be
able to justify my choice.  Remember, the EOS5/A2E
could do 5fps, Nikon said, what good is it if it can't
take 100% sharp pictures.  The F90X/N90s might only do
4.1fps, but you get all tack sharp photos.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Canon is putting
more technical data in their brochures now.  Would it
hurt to put more technical data in Nikon brochures? 
The F5 has three 16-bit, one 8-bit, and one 4-bit CPUs
and it still performs faster than the EOS 3 which has
three CPUs including a 32-bit RISC microprocessor. So
what does the F100 have?  Just curious.

Happy shooting. 

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