On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:54:25 -0600 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wholeheartedly agree with you on all the technical benefits. So let's get 
> personal, all of us here. Are we really ready for a change? I'll ask dumb 
> questions... "If anyone feels that web based forum will (probably) kill 
> please raise your hand".

I've made my feelings known in another posting but, in summary,
the web format won't kill me but it will inconvenience me and
make reading the Digest (or whatever it'll be called) more

Something that I love about email that I don't like about the
web is that, with email, things come to me; I don't have to
chase them.  The Digest just appears in my mailbox every day.
It's like breakfast in bed.

If I have to remember to bring up a dial-up PPP link, fire up
my web browser and point it at the nikon discussion group,
and then read it on-line, then it's likely that I'll forget
most of the time (no, it's not that the list is boring, but
convenience in life -does- matter).

> I am not intending to start a flame here. I just
> want 
> to see if all of us are ready for this change. If a number of us (no matter
> how 
> small) are not ready, fine. We shall try harder to remain the old e-mail
> majordomo 
> presence.

I certainly don't want to be the only objector to the demise
of an email-based service.  I believe majority rule should
apply here -- just one objector shouldn't be enough to
prevent change.  Let's go with majority rule.

> There were times when only a handful of people have access to 
> the web, graphically if not text. But I believe that most of us launch
> Netscape 
> or IE or whatever everyday without a single care. Not all of us are using
> pine 
> anymore, right? (I do, sometimes, anyway.)

Wrong.  I have a customised email environment which I don't want
to sacrifice to the one-size-fits-all web browser interface.

> Anyway, I think that most of you hate me already because I may be too 
> harsh here. Well, I apologize for that. I am not a native English speaker 
> so things can sound strange very easily.

The only 'strange sound' you made was use of the word "hate".
It's way too strong in most cases and totally inapplicable here :-)


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