Ed writes:

> if you set f/8 and you are at 28mm the LCD will indicate f/8. By not
> changing any settings other than zooming the lens to 85mm, the LCD will
> indicate f/11.

With you so far.

> If you set f/8 at 85mm the LCD would indicate f/8; zooming back to 28,
> the LCD will indicate f/5.6.

Ed, is that correct for a body that takes its aperture from the lens?  If
I set f/8 on the aperture ring of a variable-aperture zoom at its long
end, the effective aperture will not be f/8.  The LCD will indicate f/11

Would it be correct to say:

If you set f/5.6 at 85mm the LCD would indicate f/8; zooming back to 28,
the LCD will indicate f/5.6.

Aside: when using aperture priority on a body that sets aperture via the
command dial (ick, imho), does the aperture stay fixed when zooming a
variable-aperture zoom?

Andrew Donkin                                    Nikon list administrator

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