Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 10:48:23 +0100
From: Eertmans Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ever tried to fix a broken FM meter? [3]


Last week, I sent my FM for repair. After a fall, the meter ceased to
function. Well, the camera is already back but not fixed... parts are
not available anymore (at least that's what Nikon says). It is now a
100% mechanical camera ;-)

I'willing to have a look inside to see if I can't help myself... Anybody

ever done that?
I haven't tried fixing my own cameras.  It is very frustrating that
parts for discontinued cameras are no longer available just when they
need them.  My dead Canon FT is just one example.  Parts for the shutter
aren't available (and haven't been for at least 10 years).

Next question: Once you get inside, how will you know which parts are
Also, who will sell you any (if there are any anywhere)?
Assuming you know which parts are needed, and you can find them, how
will know that the fixed meter is calibrated correctly?

It would be cheaper and more reliable to buy a hand held meter.

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