I have and would get again the N70.  It has all that you want but the DOF
Preview, and as you say it is nice but not a must.  Yes, it does have the
preprogrammed modes, but you do not have to use them.  It is only slightly more
money than the N6006.  It has 'D' capability, faster AF, it can drive the new
AF-S lenses, and a built in 3D matrix speedlight to name but a few of the added

Do not disregard it because it has the much maligned preprogrammed, consumer
oriented modes.


>>Hello to all.  I currently have an FE, but am looking to buy a new
camera.  Here is what I want:
        Shutter Priority
        Aperature Priority
(No pre programmed modes such as with the N60 and the like)
        Rear Cutain Sync
        DOF preview (nice but not a must)
        speedlight  (nice but not a must)
Now, what camera would you all suggest?  I have been looking at the
N6006 and have almost decided on it, but I decided to see what you guys
had to say about it.  Any suggestions/info is aprreciated.



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