Or at least, I think that's probably a fundamental underlying model.

There's a lot of higher level clever things that Nim does before getting to 
separate C files, I think separate .c units is just an optimisation not a 
restriction, but that it did to some extent shape how the Nim compiler logic 
worked during development.

Nim probably just needs to be taught to be able to treat "let x = 5.Foo" and 
"let x = 5.toFoo" the same way, rather the base case of how separate C 
compilation works. In which case, types.o in the not-working version still 
wouldn't export any (proc) symbols, but lib.c would know that it was dealing 
with an int.

I think it might be something like a small bug or limit on the type inference, 
where technically it could infer something, but it's not yet able to.

Well, basically I think it's something like there's no huge formally unifying 
theory behind how the entire Nim lang semantics should work for a given lang 
ver (eg, something like a lang report spec made by committee); but rather it's 
something that's defined by what the most recent compiler supports, as well as 
Araqs insights over time. 

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