Here is a little program which record the text to a wave file. I have tested 
the similar Python code 
    import winim/com
    #~ from comtypes.gen import SpeechLib
    var obj = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
    obj.speak "Nim is a statically typed, imperative programming language."
    var stream = CreateObject("Sapi.SpFileStream")
    #~ stream.Open "r:/record.wav", SpeechLib.SSFMCreateForWrite, False
    stream.Open r"r:\record.wav", 3, False
    var temp_stream = obj.AudioOutputStream
    obj.AudioOutputStream = stream
    obj.speak("Hello World")
    obj.AudioOutputStream = temp_stream

question 1: what can we do the pyhon code from comtypes.gen import SpeechLib in 
Nim? I have tried obj.SSFMCreateForWrite, but it is wrong: 
    Error: unhandled exception: unsupported method: SSFMCreateForWrite 

question 2: when the above program runs, it fails and says 
    Error: unhandled exception: invoke method failed: AudioOutputStream 

so any fix? Thanks

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