Thanks to David Morris who cleared up some issues for me in my crazy 
configuration description earlier.  I've got my network working WITHOUT NIST 
NET running.  But, for some reason, I'm not getting NIST NET to touch ANY 
packets on my test network when I turn it on.

I have three working ethernets on the machine running NIST NET.  Two of them 
(eth0 & eth2) are bridged and passing traffic I'm trying to test.  The third 
(eth3) is how I get in and out of the box remotely.  When I run NIST NET as:

cnistnet -a --bandwidth 2300

I see traffic on (I believe) eth3 getting delayed, via entries in kern.log.  
tcpdump shows packets with the same sizes on eth3 that are reported in 
kern.log, like:

    date host kernel: [timestamp] nistnet: packet size 132 packettime xxxx usec 
delay xxxxx sec.

And there's only a few of them while I'm running my test between my other 

When I use the following (hopefully symmetrical, but I could care less) on the 
routes that I'm trying to test ( from one side, on the 
other), I see NOTHING in kern.log (despite transferring a 13MB file).  But 
tcpdump clearly shows the data being passed back and forth and yet there's no 
delay in the FTP transfer from when NIST NET is not running.

cnistnet -a --bandwidth 2300
cnistnet -a --bandwidth 2300

20:58:56.800900 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 36255, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: 
TCP (6), length: 72) seventeendotthree.59118 > eighteendotthree.ftp: SWE, cksum 
0xb8b4 (correct), 1372459339:1372459339(0) win 65535 <mss 
1460,opt-20:4000,opt-20:1070ff112d9e47118656000000000280,wscale 8,eol>
20:58:56.801608 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 36256, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: 
TCP (6), length: 72) eighteendotthree.ftp > seventeendotthree.59118: SE, cksum 
0xa56c (correct), 1179584509:1179584509(0) ack 1372459340 win 65535 <mss 
1460,opt-20:4000,opt-20:1070ff41632b4830477d471186560280,wscale 8,eol>
20:58:56.801680 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 36257, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: 
TCP (6), length: 52) eighteendotthree.ftp > seventeendotthree.59118: ., cksum 
0xf350 (correct), ack 1 win 54931 <opt-20:,timestamp 1211123581 1192330838>
20:58:56.801995 IP (tos 0x0, ttl  64, id 36256, offset 0, flags [DF], proto: 
TCP (6), length: 52) seventeendotthree.59118 > eighteendotthree.ftp: ., cksum 
0xf350 (correct), ack 1 win 54931 <opt-20:,timestamp 1192330838 1211123581>
20:58:56.805769 IP (tos 0x2,ECT(0), ttl  64, id 36258, offset 0, flags [DF], 
proto: TCP (6), length: 72) eighteendotthree.ftp > seventeendotthree.59118: P, 
cksum 0x7aa0 (correct), 1:21(20) ack 1 win 54931 <opt-20:,timestamp 1211131394 

Is my use of a bridge causing difficulties for NIST NET?  I believe I have been 
able to configure things with 192.168.17 on one ethernet, 192.168.18 on the 
other ethernet, set ip_forwarding and create a default route using one of the 
interfaces as well, but I didn't get any delay there either.


-- Karl --

Karl A. Nyberg
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