I'm am trying to get NistNet (http://snad.ncsl.nist.gov/nistnet/) working in VNUML (http://www.dit.upm.es/vnumlwiki/index.php/Main_Page) and am having some problems which I'm not sure how to fix. NistNet is quite a cool tool to front-end Linux traffic shaping using "tc" etc. I have it working on some systems but for a student exercise getting it going from inside VNUML would be ideal. VNUML is light weight and we can give students root access safely. But the exercise needs NistNet to compile + run using a VNUML Kernel!

*Has anybody used NistNet with VNUML?*

If so which version?
What kernel?
How did you do it?

My host is running Fedora 8 with kernel
My vnuml runs inside a debian like setup - the default VNUML 1.8.3 I think

I have so far tried using the kernel in the VNUML install I have. I compiled the kernel + modules on my host with ARCH=um. Then tried to build NistNet. Had to modify the "configure" file to make it pick up the correct kernel - default uses "uname -r". I also had to modify the NistNet kernel package's Makefile (not generated by the configure) to also pick up the correct kernel headers.

So I tried a kernel from the range the NistNet site says should work, selected to coordiate with working VNUML kernels - I picked 2.6.10. But this has compile errors and I have not spotted any patches for it.

But I got lots of errors I do not understand.

I also had a go at building the kernel inside a running VNUML but did not get very far as the point of VNUML is to keep the system small and so much was missing....anyway, it did not seem easy.

Any help or advice would be gratefully received.

With thanks

Nick Filer
nistnet mailing list

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