
I'm a noob trying to use nistnet for testing purposes and I have a few
questions.  I did install the program (on a Linux 2.6 kernel) and I can
invoke it.

However, I have a few questions on the options.  I've read thru the FAQ on
the NIST website and did a cnistnet --help command to see if I could find
the answers but I haven't (or am still not sure).  I'd like to ask the
questions here, if it's appropriate.

Q1) What does the [cos] option refer to?

This is what is on the nistnet usage page.  The cnistnet --help output shows
something similar:

-a src[:port[.protocol]] dest[:port[.prot]] [cos]

Q2) The delay is in milliseconds.  So to delay packets by 1 second, the
delay option should be "--delay 1000" right?

I'm confused by the floating point.  Would the option "-delay 1000.50" mean
that the packets would be delayed by 1.0005 secs?

Q3) The drop/dup probabilities are defined, according to the FAQ guide, as
"(i.e. 100xfraction)".  So am I correct to assume that the right value for
the --drop option for a 10% loss is "--drop 10.00" (.10 X 100 = 10.00) ??

Q4) I understand the drdmin and drdmax.  But I'm not sure about the
drdcongest option.  This is shown on the FAQ and --help option:
"[--drd drdmin drdmax [drdcongest]]"

What does the drdcongest value do?

Q5) Variable packet delays.
I want a delay that starts off at 1 sec and then increases by a second until
it has a max delay of 5 sec.  How would I do that?  The distribution is
simple but I'm lost trying to use distributions for the options.

Q6) Intervals
Is there a way to use intervals with nistnet?  I want to drop 1% of all
packets every 10-20 seconds.  The interval is not fixed.  It is between
10-20 seconds.  The drop is 1% so within a 60 sec interval, the drop rate
would be between 3 and 6 seconds.  I could use a distribution that increases
the drop rate starting at 3 and increasing it til 6% inclusive.  But for my
test, it has to be an interval of every 10-20 seconds.

Some of these questions might be obvious but I am a newbie and I just
installed this tool.

Thanx in advance,
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