use setdest version 2


setdest -v 2 <and the rest of the stuff>

have a look at make-scen-steadystate.csh as an example


> Dear ns users,
> I am running ns-allinone-2.28 successfully on my
> RedHat Linux 9.0 PC. But when I ran
> ./setdest -n 20 -p 2.0 -s 10.0 -t 200 -x 500 -y 500 >
> scen-20-test
> It aborts at:
> void
> Node::RandomSpeed()
> {
>      /* original version */
>      if (VERSION == 1) {
>      speed = uniform() * MAXSPEED;
>            assert(speed != 0.0);
>      }
> The reason to me is the global variable VERSION = 1;
> What is the fix to this issue?
> Regards,
> Kashif
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