> Hi all,
> I'm new to NS-2 simulation and in my research im looking at MANET
> routing protocols, namely the AODV routing protocol. In my simulation
> work I would like to simulate 'malicious' nodes on the network, but be
> able to control whether a node is malicious or not via a TCL script,
> and also in what ways it is malicous. 
> For example, it would be nice in my TCL script to enable/disable
> malicousness by: $ns at $x "$node($i) set isMalicous_ 0". I need to be
> able to access these variables both in my simulation TCL script, and
> also in the AODV C++ script, to take the desired action. Can anyone
> shed any light on how I would go about this?
> Many Thanks,
> Paul
> -------------
> Paul Kiddie
> 1st Year PhD Electronic & Electrical Engineering
> School of Electronic, Electrical & Computer Engineering, 
> University Of Birmingham, 
> Edgbaston, 
> Birmingham,
> B15 2TT

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