On 30 Jun 2006 08:40:07 -0000, Amita Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm getting confused while implementing a new protocol. I'm making changes in 
> c++ code of AODV protocol, but don't know how the control flows, meaning by, 
> there is no main() function in the c++ program. So, can anyone tell me how 
> the complete opearation of a protocol is controlled. If it is through otcl 
> then which file does the same. Please explain.
> Thanks in advance.
> Amita

Hi Amita,

To create a routing protocol, you must write an agent inheriting from
Agent virtual class. There is void recv(Packet *, Handle *) to process
messages... In the Ros & Ruiz 's tutorial about implementing a manet
routing protocol[1], there're details about those basic functions.


[1] http://masimum.dif.um.es/?Documents
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