Hello all,
   I have a doubt about a wireless 802.11 example desbribed on the page 
http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/tutorial/ from the Marc Greis tutorial. The topic 
is IX.1 Creating a simple wireless scenario .
   I have executed the file simple-wireless.tcl (ns 2.33), that generated the 
trace file "Simple.tr". In the site, the following explanation was described:

  "We see TCP flow starting at 10.0s from node0. Initially both the nodes are 
far apart and thus TCP pkts are dropped by node0 as it cannot hear from node1. 
Around 81.0s the routing info begins to be exchanged between both the nodes and 
around 100.0s we see the first TCP pkt being received by the Agent at node1 
which then sends an ACK back to node0 and the TCP connection is setup. However 
as node1 starts to move away from node0, the connection breaks down again 
around time 116.0s. Pkts start getting dropped as the nodes move away from one 
another. "

    However, the ACK messages from AGT start to be sent earlier than 100.0s. 
The first line which ACK is received is the following (at 76.446087674 s):

r 76.446087674 _0_ AGT --- 18 ack 60 [13a 0 1 800] ------- [1:0 0:0 32 0] [0 0] 
1 0

It is right my interpretation?

On other hand, the last AGT start to be sent later than 116.0s, at the time 
116.341737823 .

r 116.341737823 _1_ AGT --- 6476 tcp 1060 [13a 1 0 800] ------- [0:0 1:0 32 1] 
[3229 0] 1 0

It is also right my interpretation?

The trace file "Simple.tr" is compacted and attached in this email.

This is the new or old wireless frame that ns manual refers?

Thanks in Advance.


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