on the contrary my dear Watson, I have never once said that I am
unhappy.  In fact, 99% of the time I am very happy with everything that
happens in my life including everything Wolves related. I simply choose
to express my views at any given point in time in a way that is
untainted by either pessimism or optimism.  
If I think the team are playing rubbish then I say so regardless of past
If the team are playing well then I say so regardless of past form;
If I feel that the manager is demonstrating incompetence then I say so
regardless of past achievements; 
If the manager makes a great signing then I say so regardless of past
It is a valuable asset to be able to remain uninfluenced no matter what
is going on around me so I don't think it is fair classify myself as a
glass half-full or a glass half-empty kind of person; I prefer to be
branded realist.  At the moment, we are rubbish - that's a fact.


From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On
Behalf Of Steven Millward
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 2:52 PM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Where are you Steve?

We have a good chance of getting promoted.  We are, I still believe, one
of the best two teams in the division.  On balance so far, we are the
best team as we have scored the most points.
If these last nine matches had been interspersed amongst the other
games, we'd still be where we are, it's just that we wouldn't have
convinced ourselves that we were going up without any difficulty.  We
might have been intermittently swapping places with Brum and Reading
over the last four months.  If that had happened we'd be very happy
being top by now, and clear of third place.
There is a lot of sceintific evidence that a person's long term average
happiness cannot really be moved, even for people that are supremely
successful or make a lot of money.  Therefore, all happiness is measured
relative to that long term average.  I think in the case of football,
the long term average is measured against the current season, and the
season before.  Being only a couple of points clear is worse than being
seven points clear, so we are unhappy.  If we had been seventh in the
league two months ago, we'd be delighted with our position, wouldn't we?
So just relax.  It does however, seem to be a fact that wherever we are
in the table you're never happy.  If we were promoted by now, you'd be
moaning that we had no chance of staying up.  The key is to be grateful
for where we are in the league, rather than being sad about where we
could have been
There are people who see the glass half empty, people who see it half
full, and you, who sees it smashed on the floor with the contents making
a permanent stain on the carpet and an enduring fear of getting shards
of glass in your feet when you walk over it.  And what a waste of money
it was smashing the glass.  Oh my!

2009/2/17 Marcus Chantry <marcus.chan...@macquarie.com>

        Where are you Steve?  We are missing your optimism during this
dire period of form.  We need answers to what is going on.  How did your
investigations go into the clumpiness of MM? Are we about to see a
reversal of form?


        Sent: Monday, 9 February 2009 4:08
        On Behalf Of Steven Millward
        I still think we are the first or second best team in the
league.  Better than Brum but perhaps not better than Reading
        I have faith that we'll average out over the season at a high
enough level to get promoted.  
        I'm wondering if Mick is indeed statistically more clumpy as a
Wolves manager or we just despair about poor runs of form.  I might

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Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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