Only Win2K systems and above can map to deep directories.


-----Original Message-----
From: WinNT/2000 Discussion
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 7:40 PM
To: NT 2000 Discussions
Subject: Win2K Home Folders Not Mapping...

I've created a new Windows 2000 Server and enabled Active Directory.  I want
all users to have drive 'H' mapped to their home folders on the Win2k
server, so while creating each user account, I specified that they were to
Connect H to \\servername\Users\user_folder <\\servername\Users\user_folder
<\\servername\Users\user_folder> > (servername is the Win2k server's name,
and user_folder is the subdirectory I want to use).
The directory gets created as a result of making the above entry during user
account creation, but when the user logs in, no mapping takes place.  If
after logging in the user attempts to map H to their home folder (using
Explorer), H only maps to \\servername\Users <\\servername\Users
<\\servername\Users> >  - it won't append their directory.  The user has
total rights to their directory, so I don't think that is the problem.
Knowledge Base was of little use - anyone have any ideas of what could be
going on here?

Rob Jones, Developer
Lightspeed Systems

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