i noticed that error too, but don't know a solution.
shorter commands for the same glyphs are \quotedblleft and \quotedblbase - first is ok, second not.
(tip: try \showcharacters if you are looking the most common symbols)


Frank Grieshaber wrote:

Dear all,
I want to use German double quotes for my text but noticed that the beginning double quotation sign/glyph is somewhat corrupt: there is a bigger distance between the two signs than is with the ending double quote (which are typographically correct). To make this a bit clearer, I have appended to this email an examle. If you look very carfully you can see this effect already in the Context Manual, chapter 10.8 page 198 (\lowerleftdoubleninequote).

The Code of the appended pdf is the following:

\mainlanguage    [de]        rules, quote signs etc.

Dies ist ein \quotation{Test}.

Has anybody noticed this error, or does anybody know a solution?



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