Thanks Ben,  I have the basics on private/public key and generating your own
key, but I think they are wanting it verified by a CA.  I posted the
requirements below to make it easier and eliminate the barrier (me) from the
actual need..  

We used to handle about 300 people worldwide utilizing PGP, missionaries
mostly operating in "Secure" areas of the world and that was a royal pain..
Especially when someone didn't post their key to the centralized key ring,
etc....Why cant this person get my email?  Point finger ---->here..

This just seemed to be a few steps higher up the PKI knowledge tree than I
have experience with..

I just need to know which provider can do what is needed... I appreciate any 
insight into this, as most of the queries are pulling up ssl certs or verisign 
for pki infrastructure.  I think  I just need a smartcard with the software or 
utilize gnu with the cert they provide....  Any pointers....

To start off line signature you have to click on the button
Off line signature  or  Off line validation  instead, 
thus downloading those new or updated data into a single file with name 
extension .txt (it has a text format) 
which you save on a directory of your choice or is automatically saved on the 
Please do not change the file name, the file content nor the file name 
extensions automatically assigned.

b) Digitally sign the downloaded file with your smart card or security token, 
by means of the executable file, software tool or utility usually supplied by 
the same provider, which you have to install on your computer, in case you sign 
with a smart card, or which may be available on your security token. 
You start the execution of that software and digitally sign a file in many 
ways, for instance by choosing an option from the menu you can see after a 
right click on the file icon or file name.

This signature is performed in asynchronous mode, which means: 
outside from our web application, with no deadline.
This signature must be made by a person delegated from his/her company to 
register its Medical Devices and/or Medical Devices of other delegating 
companies,  by means of our web application.

For instance, if you have downloaded a file called 
after the digital signature its name should have become 
DatiAltreAziende210420091820471411.p7m or 
Besides .p7m  another valid file name extension of the signed file could also 
be .p7s , which differs because in this case the file is not encrypted, 
while any other file extension of signed files, as for instance .pdf , can't 
never be signed or accepted by our web application.

After this point of the signature process, 
do not change, by means of our web application, 
any data you have previously modified and downloaded in the above mentioned 
.txt file   
until the following c) step (upload) has been completed: 
otherwise that following step will not be successful until the previous step 
(download) has not been repeated before.
For a Medical Device, or a System or assembled kit, the data subject to a 
single signature also include:
- the names of the manufacturer, agent or other delegated subject
- the EC certificates
- the data of any other Medical Device required for its functioning (as 
registered in our data base)
- the data of any other component of the System or assembled kit.

c) Then, using again our web application, through its main menu Off line 
signature and its option: 
Upload signed files
select and upload in our web application the file you have signed at the 
previous step.
Click on the Browse button to perform the search of the directory which 
contains the signed file to be selected, then click on the Save button.
Then in a short while a message will inform you about the final result of your 
off line signature, 
confirming if the signature operation has been successful.
In case the mandatory first signature described above at point 1) has not been 
performed before, 
a warning message is shown. 
The same happens in case a manufacturer, agent or other delegated subject has 
been previously selected during the registration of  the data of a Medical 
Device or System or assembled kit now subject to the signature, but the data of 
the same manufacturer, agent or other delegated subject has been only saved and 
not also signed after their registration.
Off line signature is properly made only after the completion of this third 
step of its process: 
in case you sign a file on your computer but later you never upload the 
corresponding signed file into our web application, the data included in the 
signed file will not turn out signed.

In case you have signed to validate Medical Devices data, you can check their 
status, which is shown in the corresponding row of any Medical Devices list 
using our application:
it is expected to have become V (validated)
and, within the following 24 hours, to automatically become P (published).
You can check the result of the signature using the feature described in the 
following chapter of our web application user manual for foreign manufacturer: View the DM validation status .

Greg Sweers
P.O. Box 1193
Brandon, FLĀ  33509
813-657-0849 Office
813-758-6850 Cell
813-341-1270 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 8:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Needing to encrypt a file

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Greg Sweers <> wrote:
> Are these programs assuming that I have a certificate already...

  GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) implements the OpenPGP standard.  You can generate 
your own certificate (keypair) locally.  Indeed, in "classic"
PGP, this is the way it was usually done.  Everyone generated their own 
keypair, and exchanged public keys.  (Maybe you got your public key signed by 
others, to build a "web of trust", but that's optional.)  PKI came later to PGP.

  Alice generates a keypair -- public and private keys, which go together.  
Alice sends her public key to Bob.

  Alice writes a message, signs it with her private key, and mails that to Bob. 
 Bob uses Alice's public key to authenticate the message.

  Bob takes a file, encrypts it with Alice's public key, and sends it to Alice. 
 Alice uses her private key to decrypt the message.

  If Bob also sends a public key to Alice, they can do encrypted, authenticated 
mail.  Alice encrypts her message with Bob's public key, and signs it with her 
private key.  Only Bob can read it, and Bob can be sure Alice wrote it.

  All that said: Encryption can be a very bumpy road.  A lot of people expect 
it to be like a toaster, where you plug it in and it works.
Not so.  Everyone has to be on the same page -- and the same set of standards 
and options -- for anything to work.  The entity giving you the crypto 
requirement should really be giving you a detailed, formal spec.

  I can't count how many times someone at %WORK% has come to me saying 
%CUSTOMER% wants us to do crypto with them.  I start asking the needed 
questions, and without fail, the customer end goes, "Oh, you mean I don't just 
have to click a button?  Then never mind."

-- Ben

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