Well that's my thinking now.. originally we had a 2k licensing server and had 
enterprise agreement cals. We upgraded the licensing server (rebuilt-new box) 
to win2k3. This article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837211/)  seems to 
suggest that there is an issue there however it's a pre sp1 hotfix and we are 
at sp2.

>From the way that I figure if anyone with an existing license is fine but new 
>connections would get a win2k3 temp license and not a 2k license. So what we 
>would need to do it install 2k3 cals as part of our ent agreement. Trying to 
>find some lit to support this theory though.

From: Jon Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 22 May 2008 6:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Terminal Server Cals issue

I am not a TS person but can you even use Windows 2000 licenses on a Windows 
2003 server?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 1:56 AM, Greg Mulholland <[EMAIL 
We have a win2k3 r2 TS Server/licensing server. If I look at that, all I see is 
that it has issued temp licenses and not used any of the 100 device cals. 
Consequently we have a user who is reporting that he gets a "your temp license 
will expire in 4 days".

As far as I can gather this is correct as from my understating the first 
connection gets a grace period cal for 90 days. This would seem right cos his 
temp license has 4 days until the expiration and has been valid form 3 months 
ago (minus 4 days).

The things that's getting me is that we have 34 temp licenses been issued and 
none of Windows 2000 Server - TS Per Device CAL of which we have 100 provided 
by our ent agreement Volume license are in use or being issued.

The following article (http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=822134)  is 
interesting but im yet to make much sense of it or confirm what is happening. 
Very interestingly if I go into TS configuration\Server Settings \ Licensing 
mode it is set for Remote Desktop fro Administration which to me doesn't seem 
right, I would have thought it should say either per device or per user.

One more thing I would through into the mix is that our previous license server 
was win2k, however this is a new box.

Lastly if I start an app via nfuse/citrix and then go and check the licensing 
server there seems to be no license issued to me.

I'm not much on TS and Citrix yet so any pointers would be appreciated.



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