Thanks so much. I have successfully installed scipy in Ubuntu 9.10. But 
I still couldn't use scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen function.

The test result is :

Ran 3490 tests in 40.268s

FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=4, SKIP=28, failures=1)

Thanks again.


On 1/11/2010 10:33 PM, David Cournapeau wrote:
> Jankins wrote:
>> What should I do? And I couldn't even successfully install scipy in
>> Ubuntu 9.10 neither by "easy_install" or "source compilation". I am so
>> desperate.
> Don't use easy_install, and install from sources with python
> install, both numpy and scipy, after having installed the following
> packages:
> sudo apt-get install gfortran python-dev libatlas-base-dev python-nose
> Before doing so, you should remove both the build directories (rm -rf
> build in your source tree) and the previously installed numpy/scipy if
> any (in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ on Ubuntu 9.10).
> You should then be able to test your installations doing something like:
> python -c "import numpy; numpy.test(); import scipy; scipy.test()"
> cheers,
> David
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