Well, this seems to be quite close to what I need

y = numpy.cumsum((x[1:]-x[:-1])/delta).astype(numpy.int)
i1 = numpy.nonzero(y[1:] > y[:-1])
y = numpy.take(x, i1)

Sorry for the time taken!

Best regards,


V. Armando Solé wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to solve a simple problem that becomes complex if I try to 
> avoid looping.
> Let's say I have a 1D array, x,  where x[i] <= x[i+1]
> Given a certain value delta, I would like to get a subset of x, named y, 
> where (y[i+1] - y[i]) >= delta
> In a non-optimized and trivial way, the operation I would like to do is:
> y=[x[0]]
> for value in x:
>     if (y[-1] -value) < delta:
>        y.append(value)
> y=numpy.array(y)
> Any hint?
> Best regards,
> Armando
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