Am 26.05.2006 um 01:57 schrieb Stefan Neufeind:
Modified. If not, date=FetchTime.

Hi Marko,

Hi Stefan,

that hint really helped. Can you maybe also help me out with sort=title?
See also:

The problem is that it works on some searches - but not always. Could it
be that maybe some plugins don't write a title or write title as
null/empty and that leads to problems? What could I do:

If a html page begins with "<?xml", then the textparser is used and not the html parser (i am not sure). If the TextParser is used to parse this page, then no title will be extract. So in this case the title is empty and the summary is xml-code.

Please verify your pages , that have no title and look whether "<? xml" exists at the begin of this page.


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