Hi Lizhong, thanks for the comments!

On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 11:53 PM, Lizhong Jin <lizho....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> In section 2.3, the 16bit 0s is redundant for a packet. I prefer the format 
> like below:
>     0                   1                   2                   3
>     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
>    | 0x0 |   Hlen  |V|SEC|R|R|P|P|E|             Protocol          |
>    +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
> When Ebit = 0, protocol = 8bit IP protocol number.
> When Ebit = 1, protocol = 16bit EtherType.
> Then the ASIC could always use the combined 17bit (1bit Ebit + 16bit 
> Protocol) as an index to parse the payload.
We considered combining Ethertype and IP protocol into one field, but
came to the conclusion this isn't such a good idea. The points are:

1) Encapsulation of IPv4, IPv6, and EtherIP covers the vast majority
of use cases, so encapsulating L3 protocols is the point to optimize
2) As you can see in your modified header format, EtherType needs an
additional 8 bits of core header. This only leaves 2 bits for future
extensions, based on the rate at which fields were added to GRE that
does not seem like enough.
3) Lookup of Ethertype is more complex than IP protocol because of the
larger space. A 64K lookup table (or in your proposal a 128K lookup
table) is prohibitive in many environments. For instance, on a 64 bit
host this becomes a 1/2M (and 1M) of memory. The 256 entry IP protocol
table is only 2K memory. In fact, in Linux the EtherType lookup uses a
hash table smaller than 64K, while IP protocol is directly indexed in
a 256 entry table. Note, this will also be issue with NSH.
4) I want to encourage that IP protocol = ESP becomes a common case :-)
5) Allowing encap of GRE header for other L2 protocols doesn't seem
6) If you remove the UDP part of the encapsulation it looks a lot like
an IP extension header. This is not a coincidence!

> In my mind, one of the potential use cases of the private fields is 
> congestion control. Currently, there is only TCP have congestion control 
> mechanism. Some other non-TCP traffics in DC also require flow based 
> congestion control.
On CC and encap:

1) It is extremely important to consider! The obvious need is for
non-conformant CC traffic-- basically anything from an untrusted guest
2) It's very likely that an untrusted guest and host will both be
doing CC, so we need CC that doesn't interact poorly.
3) DCCP is an possible option (IP protocol = DCCP) without needing to
add new fields, although it would be verbose (many fields, like ports,
are probably unnecessary).
4) So congestion control probably warrants an additional field. I
suspect it should be variable length field like SEC to allow pluggable


> Regards
> Lizhong
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tom Herbert [mailto:therb...@google.com]
>> Sent: 2014年3月5日 4:05
>> To: nvo3@ietf.org
>> Cc: mls.i...@gmail.com
>> Subject: [nvo3] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-herbert-gue-01.txt
>> Hi,
>> i posted a new version of GUE (Generic UDP Encpasulation). I appreciate
>> comments, however please bear in mind:
>> 1) This is not just for network visualization, we anticipate other use cases.
>> Network virtualization is a very important use case.
>> 2) I do not claim that this solves all of the problems or addresses all
>> requirements of encapsulation or networking virtualization. As far as I can 
>> tell,
>> it does satisfy most of our needs for a generic and ubiquitous encapsulation
>> (in one large data center environment). Even so, we still have need for other
>> encapsulation protocols in different contexts.
>> 3) Please take this as input for some requirements and potential solutions
>> when contemplating standard encap protocols.
>> 4) We did consider many alternate encapsulation protocols (see motivation
>> section). GRE was the closest to what we need, and in fact the basic concepts
>> of GUE are derived from GRE.  GRE is very simple, generic, stateless, allows
>> for extensions, is amenable to efficient HW implementation, and is suitable
>> for high PPS applications. We can't use directly GRE because adding new
>> fields (extensibility) breaks middleboxes which need to parse inner headers
>> (header length ambiguity with new fields). So in GUE we have a header
>> length field that can allow a device to skip over unknown options. Also, we
>> chose to encapsulate by IP protocol as opposed to the EtherType which is
>> more efficient and appropriate when doing L3oL3 encap (our majority use
>> case).
>> 6) GRE-like flag-fields are very limited and constrained compared to
>> something like TLVs which allow open ended extensibility. Their use
>> represents a trade-off. To their advantage flag-fields are very efficient and
>> simple to to parse. They are very compact, order of fields in the packet is
>> fixed, each field type occurs at most once in the packet, and random access
>> of specific fields is possible. I don't foresee the need to add a whole 
>> bunch of
>> new fields, and those add will likely be generic supporting "pluggable"
>> semantics (like the security field in the draft). Other similar generic 
>> fields
>> we've contemplated are a long inner flow identifier, QoS/classification, and
>> congestion control.
>> 7) We have deployed a variant of this protocol at scale and it is working 
>> pretty
>> well!
>> 8) I have posted patches for the initial GUE draft on Linux netdev.
>> These implement IPIP/GUE, SIT/GUE, and GRE/GUE (also implements
>> GRE/UDP draft). In testing we did demonstrate the value of UDP
>> encapsulation to improve load balancing and steering in the network.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From:  <internet-dra...@ietf.org>
>> Date: Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:02 AM
>> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-herbert-gue-01.txt
>> To: Tom Herbert <therb...@google.com>
>> A new version of I-D, draft-herbert-gue-01.txt has been successfully
>> submitted by Tom Herbert and posted to the IETF repository.
>> Name:           draft-herbert-gue
>> Revision:       01
>> Title:          Generic UDP Encapsulation
>> Document date:  2014-03-05
>> Group:          Individual Submission
>> Pages:          20
>> URL:            http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-herbert-gue-01.txt
>> Status:         https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-herbert-gue/
>> Htmlized:       http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-herbert-gue-01
>> Diff:           http://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-herbert-gue-01
>> Abstract:
>>    This specification describes Generic UDP Encapsulation (GUE), which
>>    is a scheme for using UDP to encapsulate packets of arbitrary IP
>>    protocols for transport across layer 3 networks. By encapsulating
>>    packets in UDP, specialized capabilities in networking hardware for
>>    efficient handling of UDP packets can be leveraged. GUE specifies
>>    basic encapsulation methods upon which higher level constructs, such
>>    tunnels and overlay networks, can be constructed.
>> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
>> until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.
>> The IETF Secretariat

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