I think was a little unclear in my statement regarding the Consumers'
duties. Allow me to rephrase:

As a consumer you need to do one of two things:

1) Mixed Binding - Ensure the user who initiated the dance is the one
who completed it and then associate the access token/secret with that
2) Late Binding - Only rely on the identity of the user who completed
the dance and associated the access token/secret with that user.

What you've described is 'Early Binding' and generally a bad idea for
the very reason called out.


On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Darren Bounds <dar...@cliqset.com> wrote:
> Manish,
> See my post and subsequent thread from last week which I believe is
> what you're describing:
> http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/browse_thread/thread/1c3874d94008135a/a99aaa5de87f98dc
> As a consumer you need to ensure that the user who *completes* the
> negotiation is the same user who authorized the access token at the
> SP. The initiating user is somewhat irrelevant. Additionally, Brian
> Eaton and I have submitted the following language relating to CSRF
> attacks which draws attention to this form of attack.
> http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/msg/f02d7d2bf10bad36
> Darren
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Manish Pandit <pandit.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There you go again:
>> Assumptions:
>> 1. The provider requires a callback_url with get_request_token, signed
>> per the 1.0a.
>> 2. The provider returns an oauth_verifier along the blessed request
>> token on the callback (if not oob) to the consumer upon user consent.
>> 3. The consumer has a database table (or any other mechanism) to store
>> a user identifier (user's identity at the consumer), request token and
>> access token
>> 4. The provider has a database table (or any other mechanism) to store
>> the user identifier (user's identity at the provider), request token
>> and access token
>> 5. The endpoints are one time use only - so authorize_token and
>> get_access_token can be called once and only once for a given token.
>> 6. The victim consents to providing access to the consumer for his
>> protected data.
>> 7. The access token lives long enough for these steps (usually a few
>> hours)
>> 8. The request token lives long enough for steps 3 though 11.
>> Flow:
>> 1. Evil user (identity = eviluser) logs in to the consumer webapp.
>> 2. Clicks a link to access protected resources on the provider
>> 3. Consumer gets a request token per 1.0a (token1), and redirects the
>> eviluser to provider's login page.
>> 4. Consumer record says {userId=evilUser, requestToken=token1,
>> accessToken=null}
>> 5. Provider record says {userId = null, requestToken=token1,
>> accessToken = null}
>> 6. eviluser copy-pastes this link and sends it to the soon-to-be
>> victim via IM to get everything done in the request token TTL which
>> can be few minutes. Evil user does not even need to be online after
>> this step.
>> 7. The  soon-to-be victim get the IM, clicks on the link.
>> 8. Everything checks out, the victim logs in to the provider with his
>> credentials (gooduser). The provider updates the record at their end.
>> 9. Provider record now says {userId=gooduser, requestToken=token1,
>> accessToken=null}
>> 10. Provider now generates an oauth_verifier (abcd). Appends it to
>> oauth_token=token1 and calls back the consumer on the callback
>> provider in step 3
>> 11. The consumer gets the callback with the token and verifier. The
>> record still says {userId=eviluser, requestToken=token1,
>> accessToken=null}
>> 12. The consumer tries to convert this token to access token, now that
>> it has received the callback with a verifier. It may or may not store
>> the oauth_verifier.  (In my provider implementation, I am not storing
>> the verifier and relying completely on the signature verification)
>> 13. The consumer per 12 creates a signed request (including the
>> verifier) to request access token against the blessed request token.
>> 14. The provider gets the request, and converts the requestToken to
>> access token as everything seems to be alright. The provider record
>> now says {userId=gooduser, requestToken=token1, accessToken=token2)
>> 15. The provider returns the accesstoken to the consumer. Consumer
>> record now says {userId=evilUser, requestToken=token1,
>> accessToken=token2).
>> 16. Now eviluser  logs in to consumer, accesses a protected endpoint
>> (getAddressBook.do). Since the consumer already has an access token
>> for evilUser (see the db record above), it sends the request to access
>> protected resources.
>> 17. The provider looks up the user who has that access token
>> (gooduser, see db record above) and returns gooduser's addressbook to
>> the consumer.
>> 18. The consumer passes along the gooduser's addressbook to the
>> eviluser.
>> There you have it - I really really hope I am missing something here.
>> Since the spec does not have any guidelines for the consumer (it
>> should never do anyway), we cannot assume that the consumer is or is
>> not linking identities and tokens in a particular fashion. Besides I
>> think the whole scenario can be replicated without the record at the
>> consumer too, but Friday 6:45P I am too fried to think further :(
>> -cheers,
>> Manish
>> >>
> --
> darren bounds
> dar...@cliqset.com

darren bounds

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