Author: sichen
Date: Fri Oct 27 10:22:47 2006
New Revision: 468461

fixed numerator/denominator and rounding problems which was causing tax amounts 
on invoices to differ from order.  Not perfect yet due to the fact that order 
amounts are in 3 decimals and invoices in 2, but better now


 Fri Oct 27 10:22:47 2006
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
             BigDecimal shippableAmount = orh.getShippableTotalBd(null);
             BigDecimal orderSubTotal = orh.getOrderItemsSubTotalBd();
+            // these variables are for pro-rating order amounts across 
invoices, so they should not be rounded off for maximum accuracy
             BigDecimal invoiceShipProRateAmount = ZERO;
             BigDecimal invoiceSubTotal = ZERO;
             BigDecimal invoiceQuantity = ZERO;
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@
                     // increment the invoice subtotal
-                    invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(thisAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);
+                    invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(thisAmount).setScale(100, rounding);
                     // increment the invoice quantity
                     invoiceQuantity = 
invoiceQuantity.add(billingQuantity).setScale(decimals, rounding);
@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@
(!"SALES_TAX".equals(adj.getString("orderAdjustmentTypeId")) &&
!"SHIPPING_ADJUSTMENT".equals(adj.getString("orderAdjustmentTypeId"))) {
                                    // increment the invoice subtotal
-                                   invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(thisAdjAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);
+                                   invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(thisAdjAmount).setScale(100, rounding);
                                    // add to the ship amount only if it 
applies to this item
                                    if (shippingApplies) {
@@ -570,7 +571,8 @@
-            // next do the shipping adjustments
+            // next do the shipping adjustments.  Note that we do not want to 
add these to the invoiceSubTotal or orderSubTotal for pro-rating tax later, as 
that would cause
+            // numerator/denominator problems when the shipping is not 
pro-rated but rather charged all on the first invoice
             Iterator shipAdjIter = shipAdjustments.iterator();
             while (shipAdjIter.hasNext()) {
                 GenericValue adj = (GenericValue);
@@ -582,10 +584,6 @@
                         // this is the first invoice; bill it all now
                         BigDecimal adjAmount = calcHeaderAdj(delegator, adj, 
invoiceType, invoiceId, invoiceItemSeqId, 
                                 new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("1"), 
totalItemsInOrder, decimals, rounding, userLogin, dispatcher, locale);
-                        // should shipping effect the tax pro-rate? here we 
do, and we also update order sub total for this adjustment's value
-                        invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(adjAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);
-                        orderSubTotal = 
orderSubTotal.add(adj.getBigDecimal("amount")).setScale(decimals, rounding);
                         // increment the counter
                         invoiceItemSeqId = 
UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber(invoiceItemSeqNum, 2);
@@ -594,10 +592,6 @@
                     // pro-rate the shipping amount based on shippable 
                     BigDecimal adjAmount = calcHeaderAdj(delegator, adj, 
invoiceType, invoiceId, invoiceItemSeqId, 
                             shippableAmount, invoiceShipProRateAmount, 
invoiceQuantity, decimals, rounding, userLogin, dispatcher, locale);
-                    // should shipping effect the tax pro-rate? here we do, 
and we also update order sub total for this adjustment's value
-                    invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(adjAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);
-                    orderSubTotal = 
orderSubTotal.add(adj.getBigDecimal("amount")).setScale(decimals, rounding);
                     // increment the counter
                     invoiceItemSeqId = 
UtilFormatOut.formatPaddedNumber(invoiceItemSeqNum, 2);
@@ -608,9 +602,11 @@
             Iterator taxAdjIter = taxAdjustments.iterator();
             while (taxAdjIter.hasNext()) {
                 GenericValue adj = (GenericValue);
+                // note this should use invoice decimals & rounding instead of 
taxDecimals and taxRounding, because it will be added to the invoice 
                 BigDecimal adjAmount = calcHeaderAdj(delegator, adj, 
invoiceType, invoiceId, invoiceItemSeqId, 
-                        orderSubTotal, invoiceSubTotal, invoiceQuantity, 
taxDecimals, taxRounding, userLogin, dispatcher, locale);
+                        orderSubTotal, invoiceSubTotal, invoiceQuantity, 
decimals, rounding, userLogin, dispatcher, locale);
                 // this doesn't really effect anything; but just for our totals
+                // since it will no longer be used in pro-rating, we can just 
round off now
                 invoiceSubTotal = 
invoiceSubTotal.add(adjAmount).setScale(decimals, rounding);                
@@ -1582,11 +1578,9 @@
             adjAmount = amount;
-        if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
-            Debug.logVerbose("adjAmount: " + adjAmount + ", divisor: " + 
divisor + ", multiplier: " + multiplier + 
+        Debug.logInfo("adjAmount: " + adjAmount + ", divisor: " + divisor + ", 
multiplier: " + multiplier + 
                 ", invoiceTypeId: " + invoiceTypeId + ", invoiceId: " + 
invoiceId + ", itemSeqId: " + invoiceItemSeqId + 
                 ", decimals: " + decimals + ", rounding: " + rounding + ", 
adj: " + adj, module);
-        }
         return adjAmount;

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