At 09:10 AM 4/9/2004 -0700, Fred you wrote:
But isn't the very idea of a FEAT a mechanic that is derived from the SRD?

If I make a feat using only rules not related to the SRD, but contained only to the new rules of my own product it's not derivative, as I understand it. Because some companies have closed their feats, including non-SRD derived mechanics, and not been called on it by WotC, it would appear that the mere act of using the label of "feat" isn't enough to argue that it must necessarily be OGC. This is my own observation, however, based on scrutiny of published products and how WotC reacts to them, however, and it could just be that they've been slipping under the radar and my interpretation is wrong.

Steven "Conan" Trustrum Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: "The only real people are the people that never existed" -- Oscar Wilde

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