Subject: Re: [OGF-L] Who can declare ProductIdentity (ThirdPartyBeneficiaries?)

Tim, I think the definition of work is slightly broader than that since it includes the definitions at law of derivative works, etc.  Also, you are dictating what is covered by your copyright definition inserted into Section 15.  If your copyright definition includes a whole book, then you are applying the license to the book in my opinion.

Your OGC'ing and PI'ing should be consistent with your copyright information in your section 15.

If, for example, you OGC & PI just your appendix, then you should not list your entire book in your section 15.  You should make both pieces of information match up consistently.
That is a *very* interesting issue, Lee.
I have no actual recollection of ever seeing a published product that had a different copyright declaration for individual chapters before. How would someone, who wanted to isolate one of 16 chapters, do this? Is it legal to put 16 copyright declarations into one book? Could people not argue that the one in the front cover should apply to the entire product.
Is this something that so far only exists as a hypothetical example or can you name me a real product where someone has declared copyright on part of a book or magazine in their section 15?
How did they copyright the rest of their book? Did they do a declaration in the front of their book that said every thing except one particular chapter was copyright (surly that could be misinterpreted to mean that the OGLed chapter wasn't copyrighted)? Did they print 16 copyright declarations in one block (so that they could pluck out one for their section 15)? I always thought that copyright declarations needed to be blanket things that covered an entire product. If that is the case then wouldn't your section 15 options already be tied by established conventions of copyright declarations?
I couldn't find any information about how the Berne Convention governs "copyright splitting" Where can I find more about this specific thing?
David Shepheard
Virtual Eclipse Science Fiction Role Playing Club
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