I'm facing a problem with ReportQueryByCriteria and extends. I've 3 classes
that extends an abstract one:

<class-descriptor class="ItemAbstract">
  <extent-class class-ref="ItemValue" />
  <extent-class class-ref="ItemPercent" />
  <extent-class class-ref="ItemScript" />

ItemAbstract has properties "id", "personId", "order". Each other has other
properties that makes no diff for our example.

Now, I want the max( order ) for any of above. The way I think I should do
it is

    Criteria c = new Criteria(  );
    c.addEqualTo( "personId", cp );
    c.addEqualTo( "id", cd );

    ReportQueryByCriteria q = new ReportQueryByCriteria( ItemAbstract.class,
                                                         new String [] {
                                                           "max( order )"
                                                         }, c );

When I execute this command, I'm expecting that OJB will issue

select max(nu_ordem) from
   (select nu_ordem from tb_compttpessoa_taxa
    select nu_ordem from tb_compttpessoa_percent
    select nu_ordem from tb_compttpessoa_script )

that works fine in SapDB. But OJB is issuing three queries...

It's a bug, or a expected feature?


Edson Richter

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