
I have a few things that are going to be ready to checkin
in a little while.  I hope there's no objection.  Here's some
description.  I am interested in comments good/bad/otherwise
as long as it's not personal.


1) Cursor keys are hooked up in the VPE's canvas.
        ...helps people who lay out nets really carefully (I hope).  
        The problem has always been that if you try to achieve straight lines 
        in your net you have to drag the node's outline.  That means you have 
        to make 1 or 2 pixel movements without being able to see the lines.  Now
        it's easy to make small movements and you get to see the lines
        redrawn as the node moves.
    How's it work:  
        Select a node(s) or annotation.  Then use up,down,left,right arrows
        to move the selected objects 1 pixel at a time.   You'll be able to
        see the new lines right away.
    What's it look like:
        No visible impact.
2) Undo in the editor window
    How's it work:
        Every node or annotation move in the canvas is recorded and
        can be undone via Ctrl+Z.  (Ctrl+U is what we use in the image
        window and therefore it's what I would prefer to use but I try and
        try and I can't get it to work. Ctrl+Z is windows-like.)  
        Bumper cars can be undone as well.
    What's it look like:
        It's just one button in the edit menu of the vpe.
    Pros n Cons:
        - Potential crash bugs if the contents of the undo stack aren't
          discarded as aggressively as necessary.
        - Nothing else can be undone.  You only get to undo movements on
          the canvas.  (Who really wants to undo a Ctrl+O, anyway?)
3) Automatic graph layout
        Rearranges the nodes in the graph of the current vpe page.
        I hope the lines will be straighter and everything will just
        generally look better.  When the input is a really tough graph,
        the output isn't always better.  *BUT*, you can hit Ctrl+Z and
        go back to what you had before.
    What's it look like:
        One button in the vpe's edit menu.  A keyboard accelerator for
        it is Ctrl+K.
    Pros n Cons:
        - It ignores the current layout.  That can be pretty disorienting.
        - If the graph has connections going all over the place and doesn't
          use transmitters,receivers then the output might not be any better
          than the input.
        - It works stupendously on many graphs especially those that don't 
          need to be rearranged.
        - What looks good and what looks bad is pretty subjective.
4) Few performance improvements
        There is some stuff in the code for reading in Selector interactors
        out of .net files that doesn't work so well.  However, prior to
        my changes it worked really badly.  I'm guessing this is D.Thompson's
        bug #19.  I haven't seen his .net, though.

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