On 1/8/07, Sean Hefty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just noticed that once i apply the patch, the last + lines (that is
> > pthread_mutex_lock, while loop doing pthread_cond_wait and then
> > pthread_mutex_unlock) become part of rdma_leave_multicast which seems to
> > me strictly buggy as no one is going to wake up this code.

> The leave must wait until all events have been reported on the multicast 
> group.
>   There can be more than one event on a group if an error occurs.  See
> ucma_complete_mc_event() for where the condition is signaled.

OK, got you, however printing resp->events_reported after the write
call returns shows complete junk most of the times where as you
explain here it should be 1 unless some error occurs. Looking on the
ucma kernel code under


I think to see the bug: there is no copy_to_user() before
ucma_leave_multicast() returns and hence the response structure at
rdma_leave_multicast of librdmacm is not set to anything, what do you


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