On 11/11/2010 22:26, Freddie Chopin wrote:
On 2010-11-11 20:47, Spencer Oliver wrote:
I disagree with this patch as SYSTEMRESET is not supported as expected
on all cores.

Shouldn't the code assume that this standard mechanism works as the
standard says? If some chip does not support it, than this chip should
have VECTRESET selected in its config file, why make trouble for chips
that obey this standard?

The standard as you call it says the behaviour is implementation defined for both.
It even goes on to state the following:

"Debuggers must only use VECTRESET when the core is halted,
otherwise the effect is UNPREDICTABLE."

I also want to get an simple easy reset system working.

Then as i mentioned before we need the be aware of what cores support the various reset modes and enable that in the various configs.

The default option should be the safe option an *all* cores.

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