David Brownell wrote:
> --- On Fri, 11/12/10, Freddie Chopin <freddie_cho...@op.pl> wrote:
> > it's hard to imagine a chip that has no srst,
> As for boards or JTAG adapters without nSRST,
> no imagination is required; I have production
> boards of both flavors.

Very true, but I think part of the current confusion is due to
combination of reset properties of CPU cores and reset properties of
boards and interfaces into the same variable, which I think we must
avoid going forward.

>  > that option can be removed 
> Shouldn't be, though; that'd be very unwise.

I think the point is that we should give openocd the information it
needs so that it can know when srst is really usable, and not.

I completely agree with the model Freddie outlined, of having
capabilities for each component involved, and openocd finding the
cross-section of those capabilities. I think we should try to take
small steps in that direction. Having a specific soft-reset config
might be a good first step.

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