It's great that google provides a nice 0.7 tutorial. However, doesn't
it have serious scaling issues? I completely understand why you're
storing sent / given gifts in the viewers app data - it's the only
safe way of currently doing persistent data. But when a user may have
500+ friends is this a good way of going about doing a gifting
application?  It looks like the friend requests / responses return the
20 top friends (at least it's inferred from the docs). But if the
application wants to show all of the most recent gifts, the app has no
choice but to request the friend + friend app data for every single
friend, possible several hundred, or 1000+ friends. Let's say you have
1000 friends and you're storing the most recent 5 given gifts for each
friend in a JSON format. That's quite a lot of data you have to load,
just to work out the most recent 10 gifts that you might want to show
to a user...

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


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