Hey Arne,

Thanks for replying! I use Google Reader, and for a while I was not
receiving updates (which I noticed after other people started to
chatter about your blog). I decided to resubscribe to the blog in
order to see if it was on my end.

After "subscribing" through feedburner, gReader acted as if nothing
happened. I thought that maybe it was a possibility that I was still
subscribed to your blog previously and after triple checking I found
out that I was not.

After a fifth attempt, I simply gave up and located your "default"
feed and subscribed via there. I am now receiving updates from the
developer blog, but for some reason the Feedburner end does not work
for me (so I was wondering if everyone else was in the same boat).


On Apr 7, 4:56 pm, "Arne Roomann-Kurrik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Darnell,
>    Thanks for the report.  I'm having trouble replicating what you
> described, though.  The FeedBurder button links 
> tohttp://feeds.feedburner.com/OrkutDeveloperBlogwhich is rendering content in
> the standard FeedBurner UI. You can use the links there to subscribe in the
> aggregator you are using, or just get the raw XML stream by going 
> tohttp://feeds.feedburner.com/OrkutDeveloperBlog?format=xml.
>    Which aggregator/reader do you use?  Is it possible that this was a
> temporary problem that resolved itself?
> ~Arne
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Darnell Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hey Google,
> > You may need to fix your site feed in FeedBurner, as I am not getting
> > anything when attempting to subscribe to your site by clicking on your
> > feedburner link or the atom feed.
> > I only started receiving updated posts once I clicked on the "real"
> > rss feed link, which is:
> >http://orkutdeveloper.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/full
> > Is there a way any Orkuteers could look into this for me? Thanks!
> > ~Darnell
> --
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