Here is the response I get when I try to run the code:



<TITLE>Error fetching data</TITLE>



<H1>Error fetching data</H1>

<H2>Error 500</H2>




On Jul 3, 4:39 pm, Nemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am getting the follwing response when I try to run the following
> code in sandbox:
> createASampleActivity()
> function postActivity(title, body) {
> var params = {};
> params[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = title;
> if (body != null) {
> params[opensocial.Activity.Field.BODY] = body;}
> var activity = opensocial.newActivity(params);
> opensocial.requestCreateActivity(activity,
> opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH,
> postActivityCallback);
> };
> function postActivityCallback(data) {
> if (true) console.log(data);
> };
> function createASampleActivity() {
> var title = 'This is a test title';
> var body = 'Check it';
> postActivity(title, body);
> }
> Is something wrong with the orkut sandbox server. I tried the same
> code earlier and it used to work. I am getting this response since
> last 2 days. I also saw other applications on orkut throwing same
> response.
> Please help.
> Nemesh
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