Is this your entire snippet? Where are you calling onLoadFriends from?

You should be able to use this snippet to get the IDs you need. Notice
that I use the opensocial.Person getId method rather than using the
URL parameters for this.

function request() {
  var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();



function response(data) {
  var owner = data.get('owner').getData();
  var viewer = data.get('viewer').getData();

  var ownerId = owner.getId();
  var viewerId = viewer.getId();

- Jason

On Jul 4, 1:12 am, Dheeraj Verma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can not find viewer & owner id, whenever I visit to another profile.
> I am using this code:
> function onLoadFriends(data)
> {
> alert("onLoadFriends");
> var viewer = data.get('viewer').getData();
> alert(viewer);
> var vFriends=data.get('ViewerFriends').getData();
> alert(vFriends);
> var vFriendsArr=vFriends.asArray();
> alert(vFriendsArr.length);
> var viewerFriends = data.get('OwnerFriends').getData();
> var owner=data1.get('owner').getData();
> var frind=viewerFriends.asArray();
> thumb= owner.getField(opensocial.Person.Field.THUMBNAIL_URL);
> profile= owner.getField(opensocial.Person.Field.PROFILE_URL);
> glob_friends=frind;
> var myc_owner_id=gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["gadgetOwner"];
> if(gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["gadgetViewer"]=="")
> {
> alert("blank");
> myc_viewer_id=1;
> }
> Please help me.
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