Hi Jason,

I forced charset to UTF-8, and the problem continue...
I'll add the issue to the tracker...

2008/11/6 Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Memel. Does the resource getRooms.aspx have a charset specified? If
> you are able to modify the server headers, can you change the header
> for this resource to explicitly specify the UTF-8 charset and see if
> that fixes the issue?
> - Jason
> On Nov 4, 8:56 am, Memel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Hey Vijaya,
> >
> > The page "getRooms.aspx" return something like:
> > "[data_i]42221845,canções,0,ORKUT|39121741,música,0,ORKUT[data_f]"
> >
> > The problem is with characters like ç, ú, ã, é... Just in
> > "sandbox.com". When in "prod.sandbox.com" not present problem.
> >
> > The code follow below:
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > //Room
> > Room = function(id, name, usersCount, type) {
> >         this.init();
> >         this.id = id != null ? id : this.id;
> >         this.name = name != null ? name : this.name;
> >         this.usersCount = usersCount != null ? usersCount :
> this.usersCount;
> >     this.type = type != null ? type : this.type;
> >
> > }
> >
> > Room.prototype.init = function() {
> >         this.id = "";
> >         this.name = "";
> >         this.usersCount = "";
> >         this.type = "";
> >
> > }
> >
> > Room.prototype.constructor = Room;
> >
> > //Create chat rooms array
> > DAL.createRooms = function(obj)
> > {
> >
> > //    obj.txt return: "[data_i]42221845,canções,0,ORKUT|
> > 39121741,música,0,ORKUT[data_f]"
> >
> >     var roomsInfoArray =
> > obj.text.substring(obj.text.indexOf('[data_i]') +
> > 8,obj.text.indexOf('[data_f]')).split("|");
> >     var roomsArray = new Array();
> >     var roomObject;
> >
> >     for (var i = 0; i < roomsInfoArray.length; i++)
> >     {
> >
> >         roomInfoArray = roomsInfoArray[i].split(",");
> >         //Creating Room Object
> >         var roomObj = new
> >
> Room(roomInfoArray[0],roomInfoArray[1],roomInfoArray[2],roomInfoArray[3]);
> >
> >         roomsArray.push(roomObj);
> >
> >     }
> >
> >     return roomsArray;
> >
> > }
> >
> > function getChatRooms()
> > {
> >     //makeRequest
> >     var params = {};
> >     var postdata = {};
> >     params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] =
> > gadgets.io.ContentType.TEXT;
> >     var url = baseURL + "/getRooms.aspx";
> >
> >     gadgets.io.makeRequest(url, getChatRoomsCallback, params);
> >
> > }
> >
> > function getChatRoomsCallback(obj)
> > {
> >
> >     var rooms = DAL.createRooms(obj)
> >
> >     showLoadingImg(false);
> >     document.getElementById("divChatRooms").style.display = "block";
> >
> >     loadGridChatRooms(rooms);
> >
> > }
> >
> > function loadGridChatRooms(chatRooms)
> > {
> >
> >     document.getElementById('btnEntrar').onclick = function()
> > {navigateTo('canvas','21233345,ORKUTOS');};
> >
> >     for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++)
> >     {
> >
> > //            chatRooms
> >             var classAttr;
> >             if (detectBrowser().indexOf('IE') > -1)
> >                 classAttr = "className";
> >             else
> >                 classAttr = "class";
> >
> >             var tblChatRooms =
> > document.getElementById("tblChatRooms");
> >
> >             row = tblChatRooms.insertRow(tblChatRooms.rows.length);
> >
> >             cell1 = row.insertCell(row.cells.length);
> >
> >             div1 = document.createElement("div");
> >             div1.setAttribute(classAttr, "pw_lg_bxsc_sp");
> >             div2 = document.createElement("div");
> >
> >             var roomType = chatRooms[i].type.toUpperCase();
> >
> >             if (roomType=="ORKUT")
> >                 div2.setAttribute(classAttr, "lg_orkut_002");
> >             if (roomType=="HI5")
> >                 div2.setAttribute(classAttr, "lg_hi5_002");
> >             if (roomType=="MYSPACE")
> >                 div2.setAttribute(classAttr,
> > "lg_myspace_002");
> >
> >             div1.appendChild(div2);
> >             cell1.appendChild(div1);
> >
> >             var roomID = chatRooms[i].id;
> >             var roomName = chatRooms[i].name;
> >             cell2 = row.insertCell(row.cells.length);
> >             cell2.setAttribute("align", "left");
> >             pCell2 = document.createElement("p");
> >             pCell2.setAttribute(classAttr, "medtxt");
> >             aCell2 = document.createElement("a");
> >             aCell2.setAttribute("href",
> > "javascript:navigateTo('canvas','" + roomID + ",ORKUTOS');");
> >
> >             aCell2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(roomName));
> >             pCell2.appendChild(aCell2);
> >             cell2.appendChild(pCell2);
> >
> >             var usersCount = chatRooms[i].usersCount;
> >             cell3 = row.insertCell(row.cells.length);
> >             cell3.setAttribute("align", "right");
> >             cell3.setAttribute(classAttr, "pw_link_room_count");
> >             cell3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(usersCount + "
> > Pessoas"));
> >
> >             gadgets.window.adjustHeight();
> >     }
> >
> > }
> >
> > On 4 nov, 02:47, Vijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Could you send the code snippet with which you're having this problem?
> > > Please refer to the following post for information on what to
> > > include :
> http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-orkut/browse_thread/thread/.<http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-orkut/browse_thread/thread/>
> ..
> >


Mariel Estrela

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