Yup, Thanks!!...I saw your reply to another post and made that change
to add osx namespace..
Can you please take a look at the JSON object I am returning and let
me know if you see an issue with how data is being returned. Here is
the link that output JSON:

{songs : [ { title: 'Love song #15', url: 'http://allmusic.com/johndoe/
greatesthits/lovesong15.mp3', artist: 'John Doe', album: 'Greatest
Hits', albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/johndoe/
greatesthits.jpg' }, { title: 'Love song #16', url: 'http://
allmusic.com/janedoe/greatesthits/lovesong16.mp3', artist: 'Jane Doe',
album: 'Best Of', albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/
bestof.jpg' }, { title: 'Single #1', url: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/
greatesthits/single1.mp3', artist: 'Jane Doe', album: 'Greatest Hits',
albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/greatesthits.jpg' }, ]}

I really appreciate your help.

On Apr 30, 10:23 am, eduardorochabr <eduardoroch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Remember to declare the osx namespace:
> <script type="text/os-template" xmlns:os="http://ns.opensocial.org/
> 2008/markup" xmlns:osx="http://ns.opensocial.org/2009/extensions";>
> On 30 abr, 13:56, Paresh Joshi <pareshjosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot for your reply. Unfortunately, I tried both version and
> > still did not work. Any other pointers will be greatly appreciated.
> > On Apr 30, 8:21 am, eduardorochabr <eduardoroch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Try this:
> > > <ul>
> > > <li repeat="${osx:parseJson(songs.content)}">
> > >   <a href="${Cur.url}">
> > >   <img src="${Cur.albumThumbnail}"/>
> > > </li>
> > > </ul>
> > > If it doesn't work, try removing ".content" and try again. The
> > > 'require="song"' doesn't seem to be needed.
> > > Let me know if it works.
> > > On 30 abr, 03:26, Paresh Joshi <pareshjosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > > > <Module>
> > > >   <ModulePrefs title="Song List">
> > > > I had the profile code working with os:HttpRequest call in sandbox few
> > > > weeks back and noticed today that its broken. I could not figure out
> > > > why its broken (JSON content would not render), so tried the example
> > > > provided by orkut but I am not able to get the JSON content render
> > > > with their code as well.
> > > > I would greatly appreciate if anyone can provide pointers on how to
> > > > make this work.
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Paresh
> > > > Here is how the application XML looks like:
> > > >     <Require feature="opensocial-data" />
> > > >     <Require feature="opensocial-templates">
> > > >       <Param name="process-on-server">true</Param>
> > > >     </Require>
> > > >   </ModulePrefs>
> > > >   <Content type="html">
> > > >     <![CDATA[
> > > >       <script type="text/os-data" xmlns:os="http://ns.opensocial.org/
> > > > 2008/markup">
> > > >         <os:HttpRequest key="song" href="http://www.vastunetwork.com/
> > > > orkut_profile.php"/>
> > > >       </script>
> > > >       </script>
> > > >       <script type="text/os-template" require="song">
> > > >         Test
> > > >         <a href="${song.url}">
> > > >         <img src="${song.albumThumbnail}"/>
> > > >         ${song.title} BY ${song.artist} FROM ALBUM ${song.album}
> > > >         </a>
> > > >       </script>
> > > >     ]]>
> > > >   </Content>
> > > > </Module>
> > > > The JSON structure looks like:
> > > > {songs : [ { title: 'Love song #15', url: 'http://allmusic.com/johndoe/
> > > > greatesthits/lovesong15.mp3', artist: 'John Doe', album: 'Greatest
> > > > Hits', albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/johndoe/
> > > > greatesthits.jpg' }, { title: 'Love song #16', url: 'http://
> > > > allmusic.com/janedoe/greatesthits/lovesong16.mp3', artist: 'Jane Doe',
> > > > album: 'Best Of', albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/
> > > > bestof.jpg' }, { title: 'Single #1', url: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/
> > > > greatesthits/single1.mp3', artist: 'Jane Doe', album: 'Greatest Hits',
> > > > albumThumbnail: 'http://allmusic.com/janedoe/greatesthits.jpg'}, ]}
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