This issue is related to all versions of IE (6/7/8, since it's quirks
mode in every one), and at every resolution equal or above 1024px.

Is there any other place where I could report this issue?

Thank you.

On 12 maio, 11:26, Eduardo Rocha <> wrote:
> The screenshots show how Orkut general layout doesn't render correctly
> in most used setup, that is Internet Explorer (6/7) and a 1024px
> screen resolution. There is this space between the screen edge and the
> page border, which should not occur, since Orkut uses a fixed layout.
> This is not exclusive to application pages, it appears all around
> Orkut, and some stuff get really ugly, like the footer (screenshot
> #2).
> The issue with applications is that the canvas get too much shorter in
> these cases (about 750px), which seem to be random, but with a very
> high frequency.
> It's true that we should design with relative widths, but we really
> should have those 835px in all browsers under a 1024px screen
> resolution, it would avoid a lot of work.
> PS.: I have tested on this profile, but as I said, it's a bit random
> when it occurs or not:
> Thanks.
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