For the last two days I've been trying to get OS templates working on
my profile view and have been getting an error displayed in place of
the app whenever I use templates: 'Not Found: 404'

After wasting A LOT of time trying to work out why this was happening,
by a process of elimination I discovered that by replacing:

<script type="text/os-template" xmlns:os="

with just:

<script type="text/os-template" >

The app suddenly starts working again, although none of the content of
any of the osx: tags is actually rendered, at least there is no error
and the rest of the page loads.

Trying to load also results in a
404 error as do addresses in general. Should this be
a 'real' web address which works, or is it intended just to specify
the version and not actually exist for real on the web?

Either way, unless it's something else I'm doing wrong causing this
(please could you tell me what if so, I'm stumped!), templates seem to
be down.

Here are the relevant bits of my XML file is case it helps diagnose
this. I really need to get templates working today as I'm going to be
away most of the next two weeks. If this is a fault at the opensocial
server please could you extend the deadline for my apps to convert the
profile view to templates, because if I can't work on it today I may
not be ready for 15th June.

Many thanks,

<Require feature="opensocial-0.8"/>
<Require feature="opensocial-data" />
<Require feature="opensocial-templates">
  <Param name="process-on-server">true</Param>
<Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
<Require feature="views"/>


<Content type="html" view="profile,home">
<div id="main">
<script type="text/os-template" xmlns:os="


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